Westmoor Robotics


Westmoor Robotics Club is a group of people dedicated not only to building robots for FTC competitions, but also to teaching club members about the concepts and subjects that go into engineering such designs and spreading them to the community. Our club consists of three groups: building, programming, and CAD. Our advisor for the Robotics Club is Mrs. Oliver and Mr. Shi.

What is FIRST?

FIRST is a nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education in teenage students around the country and world. FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) is a competition designed for middle school and high school students to explore STEM through building robots to compete in different games every year.

Bringing Ideas to Life.

Virtual Before Reality.

Making Metal Move.


FTC NorCal Peninsula League Tournament at 

Jefferson High School

February 4, 2023

FTC Norcal Regional Championships at 

Independence High School

March 8th, 2020

FTC Qualifiers at 

Jefferson High School

February 1st, 2020

FTC Qualifiers at 

Piedmont High School

December 8th, 2019

FTC Qualifiers at 

Encinal High School

December 15th, 2018

FTC Qualifiers at 

Burlingame High School

November 18th, 2018

FTC at Burlingame Video Playlist

FTC at Encinal Video Playlist

Check out our club's Instagram account!