Week 10: CADing Present & Name Sphere

Overview of Activity

In this meeting, members CADed two new items: a present for an officer and a sphere with their name on it! Members learned many new tools to pull off this feat.

CADing Presents

Since this meeting was on an officer's birthday, the first part of this meeting was CADing a present! Members had to learn to create offset planes, offset lines, extrude symmetrically, and change appearances.

CAD Present Tutorial.mp4
CAD Sphere Tutorial.mp4

CADing Name Spheres

After creating presents, members created name spheres! To do this, members learned to use the center diameter circle sketch tool, along with the revolve tool. Members were also able to create a halo on top of their spheres!

Key Tools and Processes:

Offset Plane

Planes are surfaces that you can sketch on! To use it, click on the offset plane button and then click on an existing plane and drag it out to create an offset plane.

Offset Plane.mp4


Revolving works a lot like extruding! You select something from a 2D sketch, and pull it into 3D. The difference is that extrusions go in a straight line, while revolving will curve around a line that you select. This line is called the axis of rotation. To use it, click on the revolve button, select a shape from a sketch, and then select a line for it to revolve around.


Extrude Symmetrically

Normally, an extrusion goes in one direction: the direction you drag it in. However, if you change the direction setting to Symmetrical, the extrusion will go in both the direction you drag and the direction opposite to it!

Extrude Symmetrically.mp4

Projecting Lines

The project tool only appears in sketch mode. Projecting is a way of bringing the outline/silhouette of a 3D object to a 2D plane (it's kind of like the opposite of extruding). To use it, click on the project button and select the face of whatever you want to project. This will make an outline of the face, and move it to the 2D plane, where you can edit it.


Offset Sketch

This offset is a tool that only appears in sketch mode. To use it, click on the offset button and then click on an existing line or existing shape, then drag the arrow. Offset will create a copy of the line/shape, and make it bigger or smaller than the original. The measurement that you type in is the distance between the original and the new offset sketch.

Offset Line.mp4


If you have any questions, feel free to go to our discord server and ask us in the #cad-and-design channel. You can also show us your success in the #general-photo channel.